Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’
Grey-green foliage, metallic purple flowers
A love it or hate it one, cerinthe is unique. I’ve had it flowering at Christmas and it has incredible foliage that takes it to the next level. And even if you don’t like it much, the bees will adore it.
Self-sows generously but not aggressively.
Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’
Grey-green foliage, metallic purple flowers
A love it or hate it one, cerinthe is unique. I’ve had it flowering at Christmas and it has incredible foliage that takes it to the next level. And even if you don’t like it much, the bees will adore it.
Self-sows generously but not aggressively.
Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’
Grey-green foliage, metallic purple flowers
A love it or hate it one, cerinthe is unique. I’ve had it flowering at Christmas and it has incredible foliage that takes it to the next level. And even if you don’t like it much, the bees will adore it.
Self-sows generously but not aggressively.